Let's Enhance Your Natural Beauty

At Baldilocks Beauty I offer a multitude of tattoo eyebrows as well as a limited selection of wigs (coming soon) for anyone who wants to feel like the best version of themselves. I believe that everyone deserves to feel confident in their own skin. My temporary brows crafted to enhance the natural beauty of individuals living with alopecia. Feel empowered and radiant with daily Baldilocks brows transfers.


Hi! My name is Aislynn. I have been dealing with the effects of alopecia since the age of 11. I have taken my own experience and made it a beautiful thing. Through social media, I have found so many others dealing with the same experiences as me. It has made me realize just how much I want to make others feel beautiful as well. I think taking steps in the beauty world is just a small way to make other boys and girls feel like themselves.